How can I help?

Someone cant do everything , but anyone can do something !

At Rolleston Scout Group ( RSG ) we area large and quite a diverse Scout Group. We currently have 2 Beaver section (6-8 year old’s), Two Cub packs (8-10.5 year old’s ) and two Scout troops (10.5-14 year old’s.

Below is a link to the Scout Associations official website which answers the basic things but if you are interested please give me a call, Graham 07768047332

If you can make a cup of tea you can still play a vital role in RSG. Supporting the leaders comes in many forms, maybe in a parent Rota role, or helping out on camp.

Scouting is amazing and you can make the difference. We have a massive event portfolio maybe that’s your thing,

Maybe you can help out on the build, do you have trade contacts?

We would love to hear from you

1st Rolleston (24th Burton) Scout Group