JULY 12th 2025
Welcome to the ROLLESTONBURY party.
ROLLESTONBURY was started in 2007 with our first concert in conjunction with Tutbury band and since then has grown and developed into the great event we have today. ROLLESTONBURY was designed to be an addition to our fundraising ventures, but it has now become our most popular and profitable event.
The profit from ROLLESTONBURY is used primarily to keep the Scout Hq and land in tip top condition and to give our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Leaders the best experience of Scouting we can. It also pays the gas and electric bill.
This event has been developed by myself over theĀ years with many other people, too numerous to mention but may I say that without them and the continued support from everyone that helps, the event would not happen. I would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you ” to them, they are the real stars of the show.
Many thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the show
Graham Jacks